Innovative technologies for water desalination and brines revalorization. 28 May 2021

Innovative technologies for water desalination and brines revalorization. 28 May 2021

Since 2008, the CATALAN WATER PARTNERSHIP (CWP – Associació Catalana per la Innovació i la Internacionalització del sector de l’Aigua) is a strategic association with a non-profit purpose, formed by companies and knowledge centres operating in the sustainable water use sector, with the mission of improving the global competitiveness of its members.

Consultants, knowledge centres, equipment manufacturers, engineering companies and other entities related to the water cycle and sustainable water solutions participate in the CWP. The cluster promotes projects and multilingual collaborations, oriented to achieve innovative solutions to the global needs of quality water in any place of the world and applicable in multiple sectors.


Sea4Value workshop
