Water Innovation Europe, 14-15 June 2022, Brussels, Belgium

Water Innovation Europe, 14-15 June 2022, Brussels, Belgium

WaterEurope and the WATER-MINING EU Project will co-host a hybrid Water Projects Europe workshop in the context of Water Innovation Europe 2022 on the 14th of June in Brussels. In the framework of the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive, five European projects from the Research & Innovation and Life + programmes will exchange on the challenges, opportunities, and barriers for water re-use in industries by focusing on 5 different demo cases all across Europe from key economic sectors such as the food & beverage, coal ones. Water access and its related energy, environmental and economic costs are one of the greatest challenges for society today. These projects aim to foster water security by exploring alternative water sources and developing innovative solutions for sustainable water management. To register, please click here.

Information on the agenda, speakers and exhibitors here