Water Market Europe 2022. 31 March 2022, Brussels, Belgium

Water Market Europe 2022. 31 March 2022, Brussels, Belgium

Water Market Europe 2022 coming up on March 31

Water Europe is organising the 2022 edition of Water Market Europe on March 31 from 9:00 to 14:00 CET, in Brussels. The event cycle is designed to create a unique innovation and business environment, where state of the art water knowledge and research results can meet with market actors within and outside the water sector to create value and new business opportunities.

This edition will be dedicated to Circular solutions for industrial water management and industrial symbiosis. During the event, stakeholders and solutions providers will be matching knowledge and ideas for industrial water management, offering companies the opportunity to boost their business. In particular, the event will give problem owners and solution providers the chance to present:

  • Industrial water management problems that require innovative solutions.
  • Solutions that have a terrific market opportunity for utilities and industrial users.

The EU fundedULTIMATE Project(Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis) will support this edition of WME2022.

To read the latest announcement, please click here. To register, please click here.