WATER-MINING Market & Policy Workshop. 7-8 February 2023, Brussels

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WATER-MINING Market & Policy Workshop. 7-8 February 2023, Brussels

This first WATER-MINING Market & Policy Workshop was for stakeholders interested in business models and policy measures supporting innovative circular water technologies. The technological focus was on critical resources, including freshwater, nutrient minerals, biopolymers, energy, urban and industrial wastewater and seawater.

Circular business models, effective green funding and policy packages for the widespread dissemination of circular water technologies were the topics to be discussed.

The workshop offered an opportunity for networking with stakeholders from water, business and policy fields.

The event took place on 7-8 February, at the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union, Espai Catalunya Europa, Rue de la Loi 227, 1040, Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium.

Check the Workshop Agenda here.