Kick-off Meeting of the WATER-MINING project: Water solutions for the circular economy

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Kick-off Meeting of the WATER-MINING project: Water solutions for the circular economy

European Project WATER-MINING, funded with 17 Mio. ?, started on 1 September 2020 to demonstrate innovative solutions for water resources with a strong focus on Circular Economy.

WATER-MINING aims to provide examples for real-world implementation of relevant legislation such
as the Water Framework Directive to help the transition to Circular Economy. WATER-MINING will
produce science-based and policy-relevant recommendations for the sustainable management of
resources. Demonstrations in Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Italy and The Netherlands will be built to show
novel efficient ways to reclaim nutrients, minerals, energy and water from seawater as well as
industrial and urban wastewater. These value-added end-products (water, chemicals, energy,
nutrients and minerals) are to ensure the regional supply of resources to drive economic
development, and the integration of innovative business models will promote the Circular Economy.
Together with industry, city councils and regional water organisations the project consortium will
agree and develop new policies and business models. Collaboration will be key to reduce costs and
increase efficiency and social benefits. The public-private consortium consists of 38 public and
private partners and 4 linked third parties in 12 countries and is led by the Delft University of

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