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The WATER-MINING project was presented during the 13th IWA International Conference in Chennai, India

The WATER-MINING project was represented during the 13th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse held from the 15th to 19th January 2023 in Chennai, India.

Christina Jungfer, project manager at DECHEMA (German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology), led the presentation of the WATER-MINING project during the 18th session (Concentrate and Residual Management/ZLD) of the conference.

Water-Mining presentation in Chennai, India

Christina Jungfer, Project Manager at DECHEMA during the presentation of the WATER-MIING project (Source: DECHEMA)


Jungfer’s presentation focused on the next generation of water-smart management systems: large-scale demonstrations for a circular economy and society with a particular emphasis on Case Study 6 – Industrial Mining in the Port of Rotterdam. Later, WATER-MINING brochures and business cards shared with the participants supported the dissemination of the project insights and activities.

And what was the central theme of the 13th IWA International Conference?

The central theme of the conference was “Water Reuse: Overcoming the Challenges of Growth and Climate Change” and was intended to help progress towards the creation of sustainable water reuse solutions through multidisciplinary cooperation and learning from the extensive experience already gathered in countries around the world. The framework surrounding the central theme of the conference dealt with the full range of topics relating to water reclamation and reuse. There was a focus on innovations and solutions that address water stress in integrated fashion from the three different angles of water reuse adoption, water reuse implementation and the removal of water reuse bottlenecks.

Learn more about the conference here