Water Innovation Day 2024

Water Innovation Day 2024

On 14 February 2024, the Catalan Water Partnership hosted the Water Innovation Day in Matar?, Barcelona. The event aimed to facilitate knowledge sharing on technological advancements and R&D initiatives for sustainable water usage in Catalonia.?

The WATER-MINING Project was presented by Rosa Rafecas from Sorigu?. In her presentation, Rafecas introduced WATER-MINING as a pioneering project that seeks to address water scarcity and resource management challenges.?

The Water Innovation Day event also saw the fourth edition of the CWP Innovation Awards. These awards recognise and reward the most promising Research and Development projects dedicated to more efficient water usage, conservation, and reuse. Water crises like the one being witnessed in Catalonia, where Water Innovation Day was held, give an added importance to these endeavours.?

The call for submissions, which opened on 14 December 2023, sought to attract R&D projects and innovative solutions capable of tackling the pressing challenges posed by the drought and water scarcity. Entries were evaluated based on their relevance to the proposed challenge, alignment with sustainable development goals and potential impact.?

The event underscored the collaborative efforts and diverse perspectives driving innovation in the water sector as participants engaged in networking sessions and discussions.?

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