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Kickoff event at the Floating Farm in the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Farm in the port of Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
From 26-27 October 2020 the coordinators of WATER-MINING project, Professor Patricia Osseweijer, Professor Mark van Loosdrecht and Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos, held an online event from one of the project’s living labs, the Floating Farm in the port of Rotterdam (the Netherlands). The event brought together over 100 participants from the project’s 38 partner institutions, including the EU project officer Violeta Kuzmikaite. During this two-day event the project’s tasks and ambitions were presented, together with an introduction to the project’s case studies and living labs. WATER-MINING started on 1st of September 2020, and for the next four years it will implement novel technologies to obtain reusable water and materials from the wastewater of urban, industrial and desalination plants.

The TU Delft coordinator team: Prof. Patricia Osseweijer, Prof. Mark van Loosdrecht and Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos broadcasting the WATER-MINING kick-off event live from Rotterdam with a view of the Floating Farm. Photos: TRIMM

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