Newsletter #1 OCT 2021

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Newsletter #1 OCT 2021




Dear readers,

The WATER-MINING project has kicked off its activities since?September 2020, and we already count one full year of activities and developments that we?look forward to?sharing with you.?Our newsletter aims to?provide you with up-to-date information on the project’s results, on recent events, as well as on other project-related?topics. Keep yourself informed about the ongoing WATER-MINING?activities & project news!

Happy reading,


What is the WATER-MINING project?

From right to left:?Prof. Patricia Osseweijer, Prof. Mark van Loosdrecht and Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos broadcasting the WATER-MINING kick-off event live from Rotterdam with a view of the Floating Farm. Photos: TRIMM

?n October 2020, the WATER-MINING project officially kicked-off! The coordinators of the project, Professor Patricia Osseweijer, Professor Mark van Loosdrecht and Dr. Dimitris Xevgenos, held an online event from one of the project?s living labs ? the Floating Farm in the port of Rotterdam (the Netherlands).?The event brought together over 100 participants from the project?s 38 partner institutions. So, what is the WATER-MINING project?

WATER-MINING is a four-year EU-funded multidisciplinary research project that creates water management solutions using a circular economy approach. The project?s consortium consists of 38 public and private partners and four linked third parties from 12 countries and is led by the Delft University of Technology. WATER-MINING works with pilot sites in Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Italy and the Netherlands to implement novel technologies to obtain reusable water and materials from the wastewater of urban, industrial and desalination plants. READ?MORE


6 case studies: One mission
Creating?next-generation water resource solutions?

Increasing the sustainability of water consumption by enhancing its reuse is the main aim of the WATER-MINING project. A total of 6 case studies throughout Europe will demonstrate how the recovery of secondary materials from seawater, industrial and urban wastewater is possible, including energy and water fit-for-purpose.

The water value-chain includes water as three different forms – as a resource, a consumable and as a durable. In this context, the WATER-MINING Case Studies (CS) have been designed to correspond to each one of these forms and to address the different needs of the water users.?READ?MORE

WATER-MINING Community of Practice?meetings have kicked-off

What do you know about the WATER-MINING Living Labs?

WATER-MINING aims to be an inclusive project, where different, even contrasting, points of view are included, which can be best achieved by bringing together people from different backgrounds and perspectives. Over the past year, WATER-MINING has established Communities of Practice?for each case study by identifying various stakeholder groups and potential end-users. READ MORE
What comes to your mind when you hear the term Living Labs? ?Living Labs? is a concept that we are getting more and more familiar with over the last years but what do they really mean for a project like WATER-MINING??In the WATER-MINING project, the Living Labs are very crucial to showcase the project?s methods and innovations to extended audiences. READ MORE

WATER-MINING project in the limelight

Since its launch, the WATER-MINING project has been in the limelight on several occasions throughout its first year. From the World Circular Economy Forum to workshops and meetings, the project?has been disseminated all around Europe.??



Upcoming Events

24-27 October 2021
WATER-MINING Plenary meeting, Barcelona
25-29 October 2021
EU Sustainable Energy Week 20211-3 November 2021
Amsterdam International Water Week 20211 November 2021
The ‘Value of Wastewater’ Online Session, AIWW9-10 November 2021
Water Knowledge Europe 2021

2-3 December 2021
World Impact Summit 2021

4-8 April 2021
ACHEMA 2022: Inspiring sustainable connections


