The WATER-MINING: Sustainable Sweet Water Sourcing

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The WATER-MINING: Sustainable Sweet Water Sourcing

As the media told us last summer, it is no longer sure that we can expect sweet water to come out of our taps in the future. This even goes for the Netherlands, where so much water is available. In other parts of Europe ? Mediterranean regions in particular ? shortage of sweet water is already an everyday reality. This is worrisome, especially considering 60% of our body consists of water. We need water to sustain ourselves.? That is why scientists from all over Europe are collaborating to develop knowledge and technology to meet the growing demand for water in a sustainable way.

Visitors of the exhibit Water Mining in The Studio of NEMO Science Museum have the chance to engage with this topic through an insightful – and funny – audio tour.? The tour touches on several topics throughout Europe Ethical questions that come with desalination of sea water (e.g. who should decide about usage of the water?);

???????? A floating, completely circular dairy-farm;

???????? Crockery and jewellery made from Kaumera (a new material derived from sewer sludge).

After a visit to WATER MINING, normal water just is not that normal anymore…

The exhibit WATER MINING stays in The Studio of NEMO Science Museum until February 2023. The Studio is part of Marineterrein in Amsterdam.

The exhibit is developed by NEMO Science Museum in collaboration with the European Research Consortium WATER MINING. In this project headed by TU Delft, dozens of research institutions, headed by TU Delft, work together towards sustainable sweet water technologies for desalination, reuse and circularity, with a keen eye for the societal aspects of these technologies.

The exhibit WATER MINING will be on display in Malaga (Spain) and in Cyprus in 2023.

The audio tour was performed by Chris Bajema and written by Ferry Piekart. The exhibit was designed by Pieter Aartsen after a concept by Ilse van Zeeland. The project was managed by Leo van den Bogaert.